Daliah Lavi Gans
October 12, 1942 ~ May 3, 2017
Resided in:
Asheville, NC
Daliah Lavi Gans passed away peacefully at her residence, Wednesday, May 3, 2017.
Daliah has lived in Asheville, with her husband, Chuck Gans, since 1992. Prior to that, she was an international actress and singer, Daliah was fluent in five languages. A member of Congregation Beth Israel, In Asheville, Daliah's funeral and interment will take place in her native Israel.
She is lovingly survived by her husband, Charles E. Gans; daughter, Kathy Rothman; three sons, Rouben, Alexander and Stephen Gans; five grandchildren, Sophie, Ben, Emma and Hannah Rothman and Levi Gans. She is also survived by her sister, Michal.
Groce Funeral Home at Lake Julian is assisting the family.
Watching the Hitparade in the 70’s while growing up in Germany, Daliah Lavi had many appearances due to popularity.
Mein Lieblingslied: Oh wann kommt Du 1970 – youtube
We are so sorry to hear about Daliah, I know your family will miss her , but the Angels will rejoice to see her and hear her sing, I know I have truely enjoyed very much all the time that I have spent with her and Chuck, May god bless you and your family. Jeremy Shea,Skyland Automotive
Daliah Lavi Gans was a talented lady. She should be a model for young women. I pray for her husband and family. A beautiful person who used her talents.
Daliah Lavi war an extraordinary artist and singer in german showbusiness. Her beauty, her unmistakable and unique voice and her lovely personality will be unforgetable in my country. Apart from this she was the best ambassador for her native country Israel in Germany. In my early youth in the 1970 years she aroused my interest for her home country. I went to Israel as an exchange student and lived in an israelian family for a while. I learned hebrew and visited the country many times until the year 1981. It is kind of strange. I never went back to Israel since this year. A month ago I decided to visit Israel again for the first time after 36 years and booked a flight for coming June. 3 days ago the german medias announced the death of this wonderful lady and I feel like this complets the cycle. Rest in peace my sweet Daliah. Nessiah tova! Shalom lach. My sincere condolences to Mr. Chuck Gans, her sister Michal and to all her children and grandchildren.
RIP my dear Daliah.
I was 12 years old, when I got the first single record of You
called: ‘Liebeslied jener Sommernacht’.
You were the most beautyful woman I
have ever seen.
Your voice and your songs accompagnied my youth.
Now I’m 59 – I send You all the best wishes on your way
We all will miss You so much.
Perhaps You will meet my beloved Daddy in heaven.
Always in my heart ; all my love to your whole family.
Ursula Bürgisser , 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland
I was 14 years old when Daliah celebrated her first success in 1971. She was our idol. I saw you at concerts in 1975 and 2009 and when she entered the room he was met. Their music accompanied me all my life, and when I heard that Daliah was gone, I cried. I ask that angels be with her and she is at peace. My condolences to your family.
I desire to send my condolences to the family. May the beautiful promise at Isaiah 25: 8 help with the grief that comes with losing a precious love one.
Liebe Daliah, ich gedenke Dir heute und erinnere mich wieviel Freude Du mir gebracht hast durch Deine Musik hier in Deutschland. In Bremen haben wir uns kennengelernt bei der Show von Dagmar Frederik ‘Meine Show’ – wir hatten Lunch zusammen im Maritim Hotel. R.I.P. – und ewiges Gedenken.
An dieser Stelle möchte ich der ganzen Familie Gans kondolieren und wünsche ihr viel Kraft. Sorry, dass ich auf Deutsch schreibe, aber mein Sprachtalent entspricht leider nicht dem von Daliah. Daliah wird immer meine Lieblingssängerin sein. Ein schöneres Lied als ‘Wär ich ein Buch’ kenne ich nicht und dereinst wird es an meiner eigenen Beerdigung gespielt werden. Obwohl ich Daliah nicht persönlich kannte, bin ich so traurig, als hätte ich einen nahestehenden Menschen verloren. Gewissermassen habe ich das, denn die Lieder von Daliah haben mich ein Leben lang begleitet. Ruhe in Frieden, liebe Daliah
Although I haven’t seen Daliah in decades and have not spoken to her in many years, her presence was such that she was always somehow there in my life, even from afar. I am saddened and shocked to hear of her passing. A beautiful, honest and kind, truly bigger-than-life spirit and artist. Bye Dalih… at least for now… Misha
Although I haven’t seen Daliah in decades and have not spoken to her in many years, her presence was such that she was always somehow there in my life, even from afar. I am saddened and shocked to hear of her passing. A beautiful, honest and kind, truly bigger-than-life spirit and artist. Bye Daliah… at least for now… Misha
My deep condelence to the family from DALIAH LAVI GANS…Its hard to find the right words…DALIAH Is not dead…she only left bevore us…her soul is still around…her life goes on in our hearts…sending you lot of power positive energy and lot of love…claude obrian SHALOM SHALOM
My parents Fred & Haviva Salomon were friends with Daliah as children in Shavei . Tzion. So very sorry for her passing.
This for you.
As I believe it is what you want to tell us.
“Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sun on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there, I did not die”
No Daliah you did not die.
You are always with me in my heart.
Love you forever.
Daliah, you were the most beautiful woman inside and out.
Schon der 4.Todestag…und es kommt mir vor als wärs erst heute…der Schmerz des Vermissens ist gross aber das Licht der ewigen Kerze leuchtet mir den Weg…DALIAH Du wunderbare Seele RUHE IN FRIEDEN und besuch die welche Dich Lieben… Shalom Shalom Claude/Clodi
Hallo Claude Obrian
Ich bin ein grosser fan von Daliah und habe alle ihre Filme auf DVD und die Originalplatten und Cds sowie ca 10 Aktenordner mit Material.
Wäre schön von Ihnen zu hören
MfG Stephan Gussmann Nürnberg
Nach fast 6 Jahren in denen Daliah Lavi nicht mehr unter uns weilt, habe ich immer noch, wenn ich Ihren letzten Auftritt mit Ihrem “Mein letztes Lied” mir ansehe Pipi in den Augen. Diese Frau hatte ein Ausstrahlung, die mich regelrecht in Ihren Bann zog.
Schade, das Du so früh gehen mußtest. Ruhe in Frieden.
she was and will remain einzigartig – one of the kind. Her songs are immortal rest in peace
Liebe Daliah, als ich 14 Jahre alt war, sah ich dich das erste Mal in einem Konzert in Bremen. In der Pause sind wir uns auf der Treppe begegnet und mir blieb das Herz fast stehen, so sehr musste ich stottern. Du hast mich so freundlich begrüßt. Diesen Moment vergesse ich nie. Ruhe in Frieden, meine liebe Daliah!
Ich verneinge mich vor ihr.wolfgang.kasper Deutschland
Meine Art Liebe zu zeigen…von Christiane