George Allen Cathey

February 24, 1936 ~ December 2, 2003
Resided in:
Winnemucca, NV
George Allen Cathey, 67,
of Winnemucca, NV, died Tuesday,
December 2, 2003, at the home of his
daughter in Billings, Montana.
Mr. Cathey was born in
Candler and was a son of the late
Kenneth P. and Pauline S. Cathey.
He was also preceded in death by a
sister Frances and two brothers
James and Joe. He worked for more
than 40 years in auto parts sales for
Ford dealers in Nevada before retiring
as Sales Manager.
He is survived by three
daughters, Debbie Ludwig of Billings
and Donna Cathey and Cynthia
Cathey of Scottsdale, AZ; seven
grandchildren, and three sisters, Ruth
Brookshire of Candler, Sara Phillips of
Arden and Hilda Digges of Asheville.
Arrangements are being
made for a memorial service to be
held in Winnemucca.
George was a friend from the 6th grade through graduation in ’54 and then on to WCU. I remember lots of good times with him. He was a very intelligent person. When I think of Candler, I think of George. My thoughts are with all of you.
To the family of George Allen Cathey: I send my condolences and God’s blessings.
George and I attended Candler High School through graduation in 1954. We were good friends during this time and I thought a lot of him. He was of good character and had a lot of friends.
I pray for the family for peace, comfort, and strength from God during the days ahead and that just a word of encouragement from friends will help to comfort you.
May God fill your hearts with His abiding love,
Jimmie Deane Eplee Parris
73 Rangeview Acres
Candler, N. C. 28715
Ruth, Sara, Hilda and family – so sorry to read of George Allen’s passing. Only keep up with ‘relatives’ by this computer age.
many years since hearing or seeing of George Allen. Our deepest sympathy to all the family.
Mark and Sue Carswell
950 SW 138th Ave., Apt. B-111
Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33027
tele: 954/437-2395
George was my classmate and we graduated together in 1954 from Candler High. We spoke of him at the recent reunion in September and wished he had been with us. The years have separated us, but the memories linger on. We were a great group and George will be missed, we will honor him at our 5Oth next year. God go with the family and friends at this time and know he was greatly loved by our class.
George and I go back to the 7th grade-12th, at Candler High School. I am sorry to say I haven’t seen George since we graduated. I hear he had three lovely daughters, (bet that drove him crazy)but I’ll bet he was a loving and caring father. I grieve with his family at his passing. May God’s blessings be with each of you.
So sorry to hear this. I was a school mate of his.My prayers are with you, Bonnie
Roy Phillips Sara and Ruth, I pray God’s very best for you, George Allen’s immediate family and each one dear to you.
In Christ name, Tom Rutherford
George was my boyhood related friend
as all Catheys and Wrights are. We grew up together in school and community. I enjoyed being around
him and Ken, his Dad. The one memory that I keep in my mind about
him in school is that he and Linda
Israel Rader slapped each other every day in school as a routine requirement. She died 2 weeks ago
and now, George. I have thought about him often. God bless all of you.