Marguerite Castles Tonye-Coleman

marguerite tonye-coleman

January 7, 1942 ~ January 17, 2025

Born in: Batesburg, SC
Resided in: Asheville, NC

Marguerite Castles Toyne-Coleman passed away on Friday, January 17, 2025, at the CarePartners Solace Center.

She was the wife of the late Col. William Downing Coleman. Marguerite was also preceded in death by her parents Hal Ross and Myrtle McKeown Castles.

Mrs. Toyne-Coleman is survived by her children, Ross Toyne (Irina) and Susanne Toyne; grandchildren, Kai Toyne, Nina Toyne, Kelly Livingston, and Karen Livingston; and great-grandchildren, Henley and Payton Livingston.

The memorial service will be held at Arlington National Cemetery at the appropriate time in the future.


Funeral Home Assisting The Family:

Groce Funeral Home - Patton Ave.
1401 Patton Ave.
Asheville, NC 28806


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  1. I only had the pleasure of meeting this sweet lady one time. I was talking with her daughter at the VA hospital in Johnson City and she told me it had been a life long dream for her mom to meet a Navy Seal. About a month later I was able to make her dream come true. The only day it could happen she was scheduled to have surgery. She postponed her surgery and met my son and daughter in law in Johnson City and they spent the day together. It made her very happy. The circle of life always comes to an end. Try to make someone smile along the way. Rest in peace.

  2. Marguerite, you were one in a million. I always treasured the time I got to see and visit with you. Thank you for always treasuring family and for opening your home to us. Love your cousin, Susan

  3. Margarite I feel like I lost my best friend .We really had some good time talking to each other for hours at a time..You was like a sister to me..God Bless You.

  4. I just discovered you had died and am heartbroken. You are one of the smartest and funniest people I have ever known. Thanks for the memories!

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