William M. Plemmons

February 10, 1939 ~ December 15, 2003
Resided in:
Asheville, NC
Pastor William M. “Bill”
Plemmons, of Israel Road, Candler,
passed away quietly on Monday,
December 15, 2003, after a
courageous battle with esophageal
adenocarcinoma. He was 64 years
A 1957 graduate of Enka
High School, Bill also graduated in
1972 Magna cum Laude from
Western Carolina University with a
B.S. degree in Business
Administration. He earned the degree
while working full time at American
Enka (now BASF). He retired as a
20-year volunteer with Upper Hominy
Volunteer Fire Department. He also
retired as superintendent of
Caprolactam Recovery at BASF in
1993, and answered God’s call on his
life to serve Him alone from that day
forward. Bill served as Pastor of
Pisgah Vineyard Christian Fellowship
(www.pisgahvcf.org) until his death.
The joy of the LORD was his strength,
and even when he was at his weakest
he shared his love of Jesus and
Jesus’ love for others with everyone
around him. No one who met him
went away untouched by his gentle,
quiet spirit, and his deep, deep love
for his Father. He was a kind and
gentle man whose favorite phrase
was “Do you know God loves you?”
While serving in the US
Army in Ethiopia from 1962 until
1964, Bill took the initiative to begin
building schools for Ethiopian
children, and to teach the Ethiopian
people the basics of farming so they
could become self-supporting. The
work which he and his friends began
there grew into an international relief
organization known as “Lalmba”
(www.lalmba.org), which still ministers
to the poor and orphaned in Ethiopia,
Eritrea, Kenya and other parts of
Every aspect of his life
reflected his servant’s heart. He took
delight in feeding the homeless in
Asheville, in serving families from a
food pantry hosted by Pisgah
Vineyard, or in simply listening to and
caring for others. His heart was
bigger than the mountains which he
called home. And his affect on those
around him will never be forgotten.
Bill is survived by his
life-long love, his wife of almost 42
years, Barbara Chapman Plemmons.
His daughters, Bethany Plemmons
Robinson and Cindy Plemmons
Lovingood also survive, as do his
son-in-law, Calvin Robinson and his
grandchildren, Sierra, Meredith and
Mackenzie Robinson, and Christian
and Tori Lovingood. They all reside in
Candler. His love for his family was
second only to his love for his
heavenly Father; he relished the time
spent with his children and his
grandchildren, who will miss their
“Papa” and the joy he brought them.
His mother, Ruby Justice
Plemmons, of Asheville, also survives
him. His father, Merlin J. Plemmons
and two brothers, Bobby and Ben
Plemmons preceded him in death.
His surviving siblings include J.
Michael Plemmons and his wife
Deborah and Chris Messer and her
husband Jim of Candler and Anne
Kirkland and her husband Kenny and
Helen Thompson and her husband
Jack of Georgia.
The family will receive
friends Tuesday, December 16, from
7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Groce Funeral
Home on Patton Avenue. His funeral
will be held at 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday, December 17, at the
funeral home chapel with Pastor Billy
Robertson, Bill’s much-loved brother
in the LORD, officiating. Interment
will follow at Pisgah View Memorial
Park in Candler.
Pallbearers will be David
Trull, Michael Trull, Harold Ball, Brian
Messer, Gene Messer, Vaughn Smith,
Kenny Kirkland, and David Lovingood.
Honorary pallbearers will be Bill’s
dear friend, Norval Hensley and the
men who served alongside Pastor Bill
at Pisgah Vineyard Christian
Flowers are appropriate
and appreciated; however, those
wishing to remember Bill with
charitable donations may send them
to Lalmba, 7685 Quartz Street,
Arvada, CO 80007, or to Pisgah
Vineyard Christian Fellowship, PO
Box 1662, Candler, NC 28715
The memorial register is
available at "Obituaries" at
“I am the vine; you are the
branches. If a man remains in me
and I in him, he will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5
WE remember Bill here at BASF as the man described in the obituary.
He will be missed.
Cindy and family — I won’t forget the time with your dad in the hospital room. As we sang of God’s plan and purpose for each of our lives – that He KNOWS us and loves us – a quiet dignity and love for Jesus was evident in your dad’s countenance. Just imagine how the Lord Jesus reflects from him now! Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift – and thanks be to God for your Daddy —
With much love from Stephanie
Its been so long since I had seen Bill, but I do remember times long ago. So sorry to hear that he has left, but a better place awaits.
Borrowed Angel……
So hard to let you go.
On loan to us from heaven
A beautiful example of the Son.
Borrowed Angel…..
So missed will be your smile.
Kind words and a ‘God Bless’,
A kindness never revealed.
Borrowed Angel…..
So long our friend,
Until we meet again.
Borrowed Angel…..now returned.
Barbara, Cindy, Bethany and all the precious grandchildren. We are so sorry for the loss of your precious Husband, Father and Grandfather. He was such a wonderful man. He will be missed by all who knew hi. We will be praying for you all.
Love and Prayers
Bob & Carolyn Hi, Angie and Joe Buckner, Kelsey, Bryson, Jensen
I have known Bill all my life and worked elbow to elbow with him many times at the Fire Dept. Yes he will be missed but never forgotten for he is now waiting on all of us.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Plemmons family, especially with Aunt Barbara and our cousins Beth and Cindy and their families. Uncle Bill will be forever missed! We thank God for blessing us with Uncle Bill’s spirit and love…true gifts that we will forever feel in our hearts.
All I know is that Bill Plemmons emptied himself of himself and became a vessel for God to pour His love out to me and everyone he came into contact with. If you knew Bill, you have known Christ’s love. ‘Now, go ye and do likewise.’ Perhaps this letter I gave to Bill last Friday night explains what he means to us better than what I could say now:
I cannot begin to express what you have meant to me over the course of these past 9 or 10 months. God has performed miraculous things in my life, and I know that you have been an instrument in this. He has used you, and he has allowed me to benefit from these days of your ministry.
I have been healed on the inside. God has restored joy to my life, and he has let me truly experience His purity in my life. I have never been so solidly within the grace of our Father and the power of His Spirit.
Foremost, I give praise and glory to God for this. But I would be amiss not to thank you for being willing and able to serve as His conduit. You have ministered grace and the love of Christ to me, and I will never forget it.
It hardly seems that I have only known you for less than a year. Already, you have been a mentor, compatriot, fellow soldier, brother, and a friend.
At times, I have had a distinct feeling as if I am Elisha following Elijah. So when I have been able to spend time with you, God’s Spirit has been leading me to ask you for something. As strange as it sounds, I am reiterating Elisha’s response to Elijah’s question, ‘Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?’ Elisha replied, ‘Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit.’
I have not wanted to ask for this, because it implies something I do not want: your departure. Indeed, Elisha walked with Elijah and repeatedly told him, ‘As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you.’ In the same way, I want to cling to you and argue with God so that He will not take you. But I know that God’s ways are better than mine. It just hurts – that’s all.
I love you. And I love Barbara. You have taught me how to love with the love of Christ.
My only regret: I wish I had gotten to the Vineyard sooner. Now I look forward to the days we will be together on the new earth. I will be able to see you without a hint of pain in your eyes, and you will see me free and unencumbered to dance before the Lamb (that’s like David).
Do you recall that morning at Cracker Barrel? We shared a lot that day, and you seemed to understand so well. Just remember the wise man from Ben Hur, ‘When I see Him, I will know Him.’
So if you must go, please say ‘Hello!’ I have a great longing to see the both of you soon.
With the love of Christ,
Shawn Hartzog
My love and prayers go to you at this time. Bill’s sweet spirit and generous heart will be greatly missed here at the Billy Graham Training Center. May the peace of God comfort you at this time. In His Love, Pam
My dear brother Bill has been a tremendous blessing to me. My prayers continue for his family and the Pisgah Vineyard Christian Fellowship.
Dear Plemmons Family:
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May God’s love comfort you and bring you peace during this time.
Although I only knew Pastor Bill for a short time, he truly impressed me with the love of the Father that overflowed from his love of his people. I have been so very blessed by his teachings and his presense at the Pisgah Vineyard.
I told the Lord several months ago, Lord, please let him live. I don’t want to lose him yet, I hardly know him. But, I guess the Father loves him more and wanted him with him.
He truly was one of the few True Shepherds of his flock.
Barbara & Family: Bill was very dear to me and my family. As long as I can remember he has been a great neighbor. He will be missed, however, we all know how he must be dancing up there with the father, as well as Mr. Plemmons, my mom and dad and many other friends that he has longed to see. Take care of each other and know I, and my family love you guys. Sincerely: Tammy ‘Carver’ Case
Dear Barbara, Altho it has been many years since we have seen each other I want you to know that you have my heart felt sympathy. I know how great your loss is and pray for you to find comfort. Sincerely,Eleanor Crider McCarter
May the Holy Spirit minister comfort to all the family. Bro. Bill will always be remembered in God’s love by Leona and I. What a wonderful friend to us!
Dear Cindy and family,
I know you are missing your Daddy already, yet it is a glorius time for him. I know you as a family will have many memories and tears and laughter to share with each other and your friends. I just wanted you to know that we have been praying for you in our Maintenance Department devotions in the mornings and we know that God’s comforting hand will guide you through this season.
Your friend in Christ,
Scott Bruns
May God bless you at this time. Always cherish the wonderful memories that you have. Bill was a friend to everyone.
Barbara and Family: We are also going to miss ‘Panza Grande’ but we know we are going to see him again, happy and loving as he always was while he was here and as he is in the presence of our Lord. Love from Nonito, Olguita and Olga’s parents.
Our deepest sympathy goes out to the Plemmons family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are close friends with Anne and while we’ve never had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Plemmons, just listening to Anne talk about him and reading some of the e-mails during the past months are true testimony of Mr. Plemmons and his incredible faith. God bless you all.
Eddie & Libia Richardson
Bill leaves memories of blessings we shared. It would be a special treat, if I could come and hear what Billy Robertson will be saying. That’s because I know Billy hears from the Chief Pastor. Bethany, after some hours or days, do take a look at 1st Thessalonians 04 leading up to Paul’s command ‘wherefore comfort one another with these words,’ and receive what he said before that as my word of comfort.
I met Pastor Bill when he came as a patient to our office. I was struck by his gentle,quiet, sincere spirit. I did not know he was in remission from cancer. We had several occasions to talk, during the office visits. The topic of ‘personal faith’ ‘ was discussed, and I knew, he was a man of God, with unconditional love for people. All people. I was touched by this, and wanted to listen to his teachings. I was also struck by his undying dedication to His loving Father, for whom he toiled without question. He was a faithful servant, and a witness to me…I will always cherish the opportunity to have known him.
My thoughts are with all of you in this time of grief. Bill is a man that I will always remember. God bless.
I was priviledged to work with Bill in the Enka Nylon Plant for a number of years and thought a great deal of him, both for his work and the person he was. Having been gone from Asheville for over 20 years, I’m sorry to say I didn’t know he had been ill. My sincerest sympathy to his family and close friends
Frank Scott
Enka Nylon Plant Manager
To Barbara and Family,
So sorry to hear about Bill. We have so many memories about him over the years and they are all so pleasant. We are not able to visit you this week but will be praying for you and your Family. Wish we could have been around more during the past years when Bill was doing the things God called him to do. May God continue to bless you.
Bill & Barbara Jones
Bill will always be ‘Papa Bear’ to me. All the times we worked together on the All Saints Celebration, he was always like ‘Papa Bear’ – always seeing beyond the temporary setbacks, always loving, always supporting, and ALWAYS encouraging. I am glad that Randy had a chance to meet and know him, even if it was for just a short time. I know that his impact on the Christian community (and even non-Christian) will be far reaching and long lasting. Many seeds have been planted in many hearts – I hope you will continue to see the fruit that Bill helped produce in many lives. We love all of you very much, and our prayers are with you.
Randy & Eva Silver
Barbara,all of us at the Pregnancy Center mourn with you the loss of your husband. He was a valuable member of our Board for over 6 years. Although he was too sick to come to meetings, we all knew that he was keeping us in his prayers and that his prayers were always answered. We pray for you all that the LORD will hold you close and give you the miracle of His peace. Judy and Dale
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We will always remember Bill as a very good friend and neighbor.
You have our deepest sympathy.Bill was such a fine man. We will miss him very much. God Bless.
Cindy, Beth, Barbara,
I wish to express my sympathy. Your family is in my thoughts & prayers at this time. The last time I saw & talked with Bill was at the hospital last Spring while visiting a friend. Bill was always unselfishly thinking of others rather than himself. As sick as Bill was, he asked me how MY Dad & family were doing without regard to his own physical condition or pain. I wanted to share this (my last memory of Bill) with your family.
Chris and family,
We are sorry to hear about your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time and always. May God Bless you.
Mike Sluder Family
Barbara & Family,
We were so sorry to hear about Bill’s passing. Praise God that we know he is in heaven today with our Lord and Savior! What a testimony he lived. You all are very special to me and we pray that God will give you peace, comfort and understanding during this time. May God bless you all.
Stan, Michelle, Brianna, Jeffrey and Bradley Long
I enjoyed working with Bill on the board at APSS.
Our Prayers will be with you as you go through this time! Rev. Plemmons must have been a wonderful man!
Barbara and Family,
Steve and I would like to express our sincere condolences to all of you. We were unable to attend any of the services due to prior committments, but have you in our thoughts and prayers. Bill was a very fine person and will be greatly missed by all.
May God Bless and be with you during this difficult time.
Steve & Blanche Waugh
Barbara & Family, My sincere sympathy goes out to each of you. We have all lost a very, very special person. Bill was exceptional among us. Years ago he nicknamed me ‘Mother Mary’ and I am honored to know that he was my friend. May God bless you in the difficult days ahead; God will reunite you in His Kingdom in His own time. Love & Prayer, Mary
As a friend of Anne Kirkland at Lanier, I would like to add my thoughts and prayers for Bill’s family who will miss him a great deal. He fought a good fight against cancer. We can know he is no longer hurting but finding the best peace there can be.
Barbara, Bethany and Family,
I am unable to attend the funeral today for Bill but I so wanted to come and express how much he meant to me. When I was a young pastor struggling to learn the deep lesson of letting His power flow through me, God brought Bill alongside me at a critical time in my life. He expressed love, encouragement and always pointed me to Jesus’ great love for me. It changed my life and the life of my family. Now it is changing my church. I will always treasure Bill’s friendship and look forward to an eternity with him. Thanks for sharing Bill with all of us. We are praying for you in this tough time of loss. God bless.
Tom Camacho
Pioneer Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Boone, NC
Barbara and family, Diane and I want you to know we are praying for you right now. Our church has been praying for you and we know you will be strengthened in the midst of this difficult time. We are very sorry for the hard road you have been on recently. We wanted to be there for the service but time and distance kept us in Greensboro. Bless you all and know you are loved and cared for.
Jim Snider, pastor
Gate City Vineyard
Greensboro NC.
Dear Barbara & Family, We are so sorry to read of Bill’s passing. Please know that you are in our thoughts and Prayers. May God Bless and keep you.
I am a friend of Anne Kirkland. She has kept me informed about Bill. Even though I never met him, I know he was truly one of God’s favorite kids. He obviously loved his Heavenly Father more than anything. Praise God for all the lives He touched through Bill.
Bill has touched alot of people in this world.I am so glad I got to be touched by his kindness and his love for God. I will never forget him and will look forward to seeing him again.
We are so sorry that Bill went to Jesus so soon. He has become such an important part of our lives and we will miss him dearly. We feel especially sad for Barbara, we grieve her loss. Much love, The Cunninghams
Dear Anne & family,
I am deeply sorry to hear of Bill’s passing. I never had the honor of meeting him but I do know that my brother Bill admired him very much. Now my brother Bill and your brother Bill will again be together. I will keep you and your sister in my prayers.
Love and miss all of you.
Love your sister,
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family. Even though we never met Bill we feel like we know his spirit through stories told to us by sister Anne. I know he is in a better place.
Ginger and Brett
I worked with Bill at Enka/BASF and my wife finished school with him. We loved him and what he stood for. I know you will miss him and I would like to extend our deepest sympathy…Sorry I was so late picking up on Bill’s death..Earl
We are sorry for your loss and pray God’s comfort to your family. We will miss Bill greatly.
We were so sorry to hear about your loss. He fought a good fight and I am sure he is collecting his rewards right now. I know that does not make it any easier for you, but I know the peace of God can carry you through. We love you. Please let us know if we can do anything for you.
Margaret and I are so sorry to learn of your loss. However, I rejoice and am so thankful for the privilige of knowing and loving Bill. He was a mighty man of God, and he leaves a Godly legacy that will span generations. I once heard that the definition of a great man is someone whose life touches 3 generations in the future. If that’s true, then Bill Plemmons was a great man, as history will attest. I was honored to know and love him. Please know that we hold you up in prayer, and although we cannot attend Bill’s service, we will be with you in our thoughts. God bless your entire family.
George and Margaret Gasperson
Pastor Bill’s ‘Do you know God loves you’ will forever be ingraved in my heart. I only hope and pray that I can continue that message in the loving and gentle way as Bill did. I love you Pastor Bill. See you in Heaven. Barbara, may you be comforted by God’s supernatural grace and experience HIS peace that surpasses understanding.
I worked with Bill in Caprolactam Recovery. I enjoyed working with and knowing him. I know where he will spend eternity.
George Williamson
Dear Anne, Helen and the entire Plemmons family,
Although we never had the honor of meeting Bill in person, it has been our privilege to know him through his sister, Anne. Truly the heavens are rejoicing to have one of God’s faithful servants home at last. We know that his presence will continue to be felt in the many good works he started while on this earth. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Lynn Warren and sons, Scott, David and Richard
Thinking of you during this time of sorrow, but also joy, knowing he is in the presence of His Lord and Savior.
Growing up I remember going to your house. You were always so gentle and kind, always helping people. You are going to be greatly missed.Your work on this earth will be a great reminder of your kind heart and gentle soul. I look forward to seeing you in heaven.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Roberta Radford
Cindy, You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that God will wrap you in His arms and you will feel His presence and comfort at this time of sorrow.
I work with Cindy, Bill’s daughter and have prayed for him throughout his illness. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about him from many different sources. What a loss to his family and so many others. God is Good, however and His plans are perfect. Who can know His ways? My love and prayers to Cindy and family. Peggy
I am so sorry to hear about Bill’s passing. We had not been in touch since I retired. I will be at the Receiving of Friends tonight, but will be unable to attend the funeral Wed. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
I heard wonderful stories and anecdotes about Bill from my good friend Anne Kirkland. I know he will be truly missed.
Barbara, and family. So sorry to hear of your loss. Bill was a good Christian. May God bless you in your time of loss. We love you, Gene and Cleva
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, I had met Bill through a Promise Keepers meeting and had great respect for him.
We are so sorry for your loss, but know Bill is in the presence of the Lord. Due to illness, we cannot attend services, but please know you are all in our thoughts and prayers.
In Christ’s Love,
Jerri and Jesse Cordell
We are so sorry for your loss. We’ve always thought very highly of Bill…he was such a good man. Due to illness we will not be able to attend services, but we will remember your family in our thoughts and prayers.
Joe and Janie Henderson