The Gift

May 1, 1970
Anthony (Pete) McDaniel said:
Mr. Koontz was a gift from above. Of that I am certain. The above date refers to the year I graduated from T.C.R. Its significance lies in the encouragement from my principal to an oft-knucklehead to continue my education. His gift was that his kindness and love did not discriminate. He gladly gave them to everyone. I am forever grateful that he recognized the potential sometimes hidden from view. He was surely well loved by all. Rest well, old friend. No one is more deserving.

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My Most Respected Principal

June 1, 1972

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Remembering Tommy

December 14, 2024
Dean Crisp said:
Mr Koontz was Mr TCR!!! One of a Kind, Legend, Icon all seem to small when talking about Mr Koontz. He was simply the BEST!!!! His passing marks the end of an era of service that will never be matched. He got the most out of life and the most out of everyone he came into contact with. Everyone who was fortunate enough to have been a student of his either in the classroom or as a Principal has a Mr Koontz story of love, respect, compassion and kindness. He loved TCR with all his heart and soul. Time will go on and so will we but their will never be another one like him. My entire family and I are better because of him. Thank God he choose our community to make his home!!! May God Bless all the Koontz Family and Thank You for sharing your Dad with all of US! We are forever grateful to you!

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